Dr Tobias Neuhann, Medical Director of Dr. Neuhann’s Eye Clinic Munich, has been working in ophthalmology for more than 40 years and regularly publishes his results and data from various treatments and operations. In parallel, new and improved surgical techniques are developed and introduced in collaboration with the industry. Bavaria’s standing as a high-tech region is of tremendous help in these endeavours.
Dr Tobias Neuhann is the founder, medical director, and senior surgeon at Eye Clinic Munich. He specialises in all elective, therapeutic and reconstructive procedures on the anterior segment of the eye. As one of the pioneers in cataract surgery, he works constantly to further enhance the available techniques and implants.
Raphael Neuhann specialises in the use of the latest eye laser systems to treat diverse eye conditions. He focuses mainly on refractive surgery, lens and cataract surgery, and corneal transplants such as DMEK and pKP. Further specialties include keratoconus management and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS).
Ophthalmologist Sabine Hirschbach specialises in cataract and eyelid surgery and has been with MVZ Dr. Neuhann since 2008. Her portfolio also includes advanced minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and femtosecond laser procedures. She is a member of the BVA (Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e. V. – Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists).
Dr Niklas Kellermann has supported Dr Neuhann’s team for several years. After completing his specialist training and becoming a Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO), he has been dedicated to refractive surgery and, along with Raphael Neuhann, heads the laser eye surgery department at Augenklinik Marienplatz.
Opthalmologist Julia Strasser specialises in cataract surgery and has been with MVZ Dr. Neuhann since 2016. She is a member of the DOG (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft – German Ophthalmological Society) and the BVA (Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e. V. – Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists). Ms Strasser was appointed medical director of the Dachau practice in 2020.
The Munich Eye Clinic at Marienplatz is part of the eye competence center Opthalmologikum Dr. Neuhann. The Eye Clinic Marienplatz is the specialist in Munich for laser eye surgery, refractive surgery and lens operations.
Augentagesklinik Marienplatz
Mo – Thu
08:00 – 13:00
14:00 – 18:00
08:00 – 13:30